Masterplanning / Transport

We have been working on several aviation-led masterplanning projects over the years. We are interested in the role of airports as transport hubs and how they also affect the economic prospects of nearby communities. The role of retail in transport we feel is an area for great development in terms of a more sophisticated integration of shopping as part of the experience of travel. As architects, we are also interested in how successful masterplans deal with circulation, footfall and repairing or activating street frontages. We have particular experience in masterplans that aim to bring life to neighbourhoods outside business hours while avoiding the problem of dormitory suburb effects.

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Retail / Regeneration

Retail architecture has evolved a great deal over the last twenty years. The predominance of brand-led sales and, more recently, internet-based sales have transformed this industry. Architecturally, retail design is a field with many possibilities. We are interested in the role of flagship stores and spaces that act almost like exhibition and information points for consumers. We have also seen through our own work that retail, particularly when conceived together with a leisure focus, hospitality or a residential offer, can be a powerful catalyst for improving and reinvigorating areas whether villages or major parts of a capital city.

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Our residential clients include private individuals, developers and house builders collaborating with major contractors. We are interested in the many different domestic building typologies that have come our way. We have worked on: significant listed historic properties requiring sensitive restoration; new build houses and extensions in conservation areas; and wholly new build multi-unit residential developments. In all of these projects, we balance the need to provide accommodation suitable to today’s way of life with making places that have the very qualities and associations that make them feel like true homes.

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